Users can create new activities in CR LiftEd either in the library or student profile.
To create a new activity from the Library :
Click Library in the bottom navigation bar and select My Library.
Click +Add New and select Activity to My Library from the drop-down.
To create a new activity from a student profile :
Navigate to the student profile and the Activities tab
In the Actions drop down on the right, select Create New Activity
Once in the Create an Activity view
Enter the required activity details:
Activity Name
Activity Type
Discrete Trials
Please note, if this option is selected, a required “Number of Trials” field will appear.
Task Analysis
Users can hover over the question mark next to an item for an explanation.
Complete the following optional fields:
Toggle on or off.
Domain Categories
Skills Areas
Grade Level
Academic Subject
Mastery Criteria
Toggle “On” to complete the following fields:
Response Correctness
Nmbr. of Consecutive Days
Minimum Nmbr. of Trials Run Per Day
Minimum Nmbr. of Instructors Tracking
Additional Teaching Instructions:
Click Next Step.
Create Targets to include in the activity. Enter each target's name on a new line and click Save Targets to List.
Click Save Activity and select either Save Activity & Exit or Save Activity & Assign to Students from the drop-down.